Voice Recognition
Wayne Trace High School

Wayne Trace High School


Good Morning, Raiders! Today is Wednesday, September 11th
Today is September 11th, also known as Patriot’s Day.  This day is dedicated to remember, reflect, honor and mourn those that we lost in the terrorist attack. Many people around the country and world rallied to service in order to offer support in the midst of tragedy.  We honor the spirit of sacrifice made that day and everyday by our communities’ first responders and members of the armed forces. We encourage all students and staff to give the best of yourself and be a Patriot today. Offer help to someone today, give someone words of kindness or simply thank a first responder.
To kick off this year’s National Arts in Education Week, the Black Swamp Arts Festival held its annual Chalk Walk competition in Bowling Green.  Congratulations go out to seniors Aiden Lee and Bella Knowles whose Mardi-gras inspired design won them the Best Use of Media award in this year’s competition.  Please go to our school’s website to see Aiden and Bella award-winning artwork!
Homecoming shirts and sweatshirts are on sale! Use the link on the Wayne Trace website to access the online store. All sales are due by Monday, September 16th.
Attention Sophomores: our sophomore shirts are available at heierthreads.com until this Friday. 
Attention Juniors: The order forms for powder puff & he man shirts are now available online at Heierthreads.com Please have all orders in by Thursday, Sept 12th.
Attention Seniors:  Senior powderpuff/he-man shirts can be bought online at heierthreads.com. Do not pay shipping, orders will be delivered to the school. Orders are due Thursday the 12th. 
Friday is the last day to order your yearbooks at the cheapest price of $25.00.  Turn your forms in to Mrs. Sinn or order online at jostens.com.  On Saturday, the prices will increase.

Reminder:  Picture Day is Friday!
There is an NHS meeting tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 12, at 7:15 in Miss K.’s room. Please be prompt!
The representative from Miami University will be here Wednesday during 2nd period.  The rep from Purdue Fort Wayne will be here Thursday during 4th period.  Indiana Tech will be here on the 17th and St. Francis on the 19th and Bowling Green on the 26th.  Juniors and seniors need to sign up in the guidance office one day prior to the meeting.
There is a college fair at Lincolnview in the community center on Sept 18th from 6-7:30pm.  Over 50 representatives will be there.  This is the largest college fair in the area.
Attention all students! Come join the excitement of the Payne Rock the Block celebration by joining a dodgeball team! The dodgeball tournament is this Saturday, Sept. 14 at the Payne park at 9:30. Registration forms are available online or from the office or Miss K.’s room. They are due to Miss K. this Friday.
Juniors, if you would like to take the PSAT in October, please sign up in the guidance office by September 13th.  The cost for the PSAT is around $18.  They have a new fee reduction system which is determined after it’s taken. The cost will be added to student fees.  It is an online test.  It will be given in the morning on October 29th.
There is a community service opportunity in Van Wert.  Project 216 will be putting together meals for children around the world.  You will help pack over 28,000 rice meals.  This will be on Saturday, Oct. 5th from 9-11:30am.  This will count as a community service event for the graduation seal- for high school students.  See Mrs. Franz for more information and to register by Sept 25th.
The following students need to see Mrs. Franz during study hall or lunch today. Clay Stoller, Caitlyn Mead, Addison Stoller, Whitney Boroff, Natalie Richie, Torree Sinn, Riley Manz, Olivia Franklin,
Aubree Miller, Estrella Martinez, Noah Schlatter, Cole Manz, Blake Noggle, Amber Stoller in 10th grade, Eli Treece, Campbell Volk and Anna Manz.
Just a reminder to please be respectful, responsible and ready! Interim reports also go home this Friday.  Please get any missing work turned in.  Thank you! 
Have a great day, Raiders!

Homecoming 2024


All orders will be delivered to the high school.

Announcement of Homecoming Court at the Football Game
Friday, October 4, 2024
6:00 pm

Homecoming Dance
Saturday, October 5
7:00-9:00 pm

Tickets for the dance will be on sale starting Monday, September 16.
Out of town guest forms can also be picked up then.

Rock the Block

Dodgeball Tournament 
Saturday, September 14
9:30 am @ Payne Park
Sponsored by Wayne Trace NHS

Black Swamp Arts

Congratulations go out to Wayne Trace seniors Aiden Lee and Bella Knowles who competed in the Black Swamp Arts Festival's  Chalk Walk this past weekend in Bowling Green.  Aiden and Bella's Mardi Gras-themed design won them the "Best Use of Media" award in this annual contest sponsored by the BG Rotary. 

Art Technology

Students in Wayne Trace's Art Technology program have been busy again this fall creating products for their STEAM Store which debuted this past weekend at Mercer Landmark's AGrow Expo.  Look for even more artwork created using their CNC machine, laser cutters and engravers, UV printers and other machines to be featured at Homecoming on October 4 when the Wayne Trace STEAM Store and center has an Open House from 5 to 7pm.   More details will be posted soon!

Food Distribution

Wayne Trace will be hosting a monthly food distribution for our families who have children in grades 7-12.  You will be able to come to the high school and receive some supplemental groceries for the month.  We are working with the West Ohio Food Bank, so we will be limited to what they have available for the month.  We received a grant this year from Honda, so we should be able to have a nice supply of food available.
Distribution will be held from 3pm to 5:30pm or until we are out of food.   Students who drive are able to pick up food.  Students who ride the bus will not have time to pick up food.  Students do not need to be present when families pick up food.   The only information we will ask for is the name of one 7-12 student in the household and a tally of the number of people in the house. Food is available for all members of the household. No names are given to West Ohio Food Bank.
Our distribution will be in the Ag shop, which is located on the south side of the building near the softball field.  Pick up is from 3pm-5:30pm.  There is NO financial requirement.  This is open to any family with a student in grades 7-12 who would like some supplemental groceries.
Typically, we will have this on the third Wednesday of the month, but we did have to change it for March and May.  Distribution dates:
September 18th   
October 16th
November 20th
December 18th
January 15th
February 19th 
March 12th
April 16th
May 14th
No distributions in June, July or August.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Franz at [email protected]
Thank you!

Vision and Dental Outreach

The vision team will provide in-school vision services to students.
Services Provided:
Eye Exam
Glasses as necessary

Tooth decay is the most prevalent and preventable chronic disease in children.  Health Partners sets out to increase children's access to oral health services in schools with our School Based Dental Outreach Program.  Parents must register their children for this service.  Our program is open to all children Pre-K-12th grade.  

Services Provided:
Dental Exams
Dental Cleanings
Fluoride Treatments
Dental Sealants
SDF Applications
Oral Health Instructions

Health Partners of Western Ohio will send an Outreach Dental Team to our schools on the following dates:
Monday, October 21- Dental Exam
April 8 and 9- 2nd Dental Visit

The consent forms are due September 13
See below for the forms and more information

Principal Letter

Dear parent/guardian of Wayne Trace Students,

Thank you for looking at our website and welcome to this 2024-2025 school year! When we start school, we will be faced with unique challenges.  To see success in these times, we must VALUE all of our classmates, teachers, and staff.  Respect for everyone must be placed on the forefront.  All of our students have different backgrounds, personalities, likes, opinions, and preferences.  Raiders need to respect Raiders!  My goal is to quarterly update this letter with information and important dates you may need as a parent of a Wayne Trace student. 

It is my pleasure to welcome everyone back for another great school year.  We are excited to have students back in our classrooms and hallways filling them with energy and enthusiasm for learning.  It is our mission to help every child feel welcomed, connected, and a part of our Wayne Trace family.  Additionally, we strive to challenge each student to grow in his or her academic abilities, take advantage of the extracurricular programs and to be college or career-ready by the time they leave here.

At Wayne Trace, we have caring, dedicated, hard working teachers who spend hours planning and creating classroom activities to engage our students in learning.  Our teachers utilize research-based best practices and analyze academic data to determine current skill levels and to set goals for growth and improvement.  We believe that all students should graduate from high school prepared for the demands of postsecondary education, meaningful careers, and effective citizenship.  

We hope that you find our website helpful and informative.  We have begun entering dates for all events and activities into the “Calendars/Schedules” feature of our website.  Please check our website on a regular basis.  We update it on a daily basis with the school announcements.  

We have three main expectations here at Wayne Trace and they are the following: 1. Be Respectful 2. Be Responsible 3. Be Ready.  If we all follow these three expectations, we will have a great year.  I am honored to serve as the principal of Wayne Trace High School.  It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where parents/guardians, teachers, and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and social growth.  Please feel free to contact me at 419-399-4100 or at [email protected].  

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Wayne Trace High School. I am excited about the journey ahead and all the wonderful things we will accomplish together.  Go Raiders!!

Warm regards,

Mike Myers

The first veteran banner was hung yesterday in Latty.  Approximately 220 banners were printed under the direction of our art teacher, Ms. Angie Stokes and her students.  A BIG thank you for all the work that was put into completing this project.                 
Thank you for your service!

Veteran Banners

Banners created by our Art Technology classes honoring veterans from our Wayne Trace community are now being hung for display in Grover Hill, Payne, Latty, Haviland, and Scott.  If you missed out on the opportunity to honor your veteran with a banner this year, orders for next year will be accepted starting on Veterans Day in November and continuing through February 15.  Thank you!

Wayne Trace Schools BKB B V Open gym/Conditioning (Practice)

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/78603961 for more information!

Wayne Trace Schools BKB G V Open Gym (Practice)

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/78657030 for more information!

Wayne Trace Schools FB B 8 Away Fairview High School-Sherwood

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/75408579 for more information!

Wayne Trace Schools G B V Home Ayersville HS (Ayers/Edg)

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/77197917 for more information!

Wayne Trace Schools G G V Away OPEN ( Willow Bend Tourney in Van Wert)

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/77198306 for more information!
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