Voice Recognition
Student Council
Grover Hill Elemntary

Grover Hill Elementary

Preschool Screening

Wayne Trace Raider Socks

Breakfast/Lunch Information

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

Free & Reduced Meal Application Procedures
All parents are highly encouraged to complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application to see if your student qualifies for meal benefits. The application can be found at https://linqconnect.com/ or you can contact Marissa Coil for a paper application. I highly encourage you to complete the application prior to the beginning of the school year. The effective date of benefits is the date the application is received.   
Payment Procedures
Payments can be made via cash or check given to the cafeteria cashier. Please have your student turn in lunch money in the morning before school or after all students go through the lunch line. Lunch money is turned into the A Line cashier. 
Online payments can also be made at https://linqconnect.com/.
Breakfast & Lunch Procedures
At Wayne Trace High School, breakfast is served from 7:45 am to 8:05 am every day. If there is a 3-hour delay, breakfast will not be served. There is a hot breakfast option available daily as well as a cold breakfast option. We strongly encourage students to eat breakfast every day to help fuel their minds!
For lunch, there are two lunch lines. A Line serves the planned menu or “typical” lunch, and B Line is our sandwich and salad bar line. Students can also purchase a la cart items through the B Line.
The menu can be found on the school website or on LINQ Connect. Menus are subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the menu or your student requires special diet accommodations, please contact Marissa Coil. 
Meal Prices
Elementary Lunch
Reduced Lunch
Elementary Breakfast
Reduced Breakfast

Preschool Snack 
Both snack and milk$1.10

After School Snack:

Please contact Marissa Coil with any questions or concerns that pertain to the cafeteria.
Thank you,
Marissa Coil
Director of Food Services
419-263-2415 Ext. 106

ProgressBook Parent/Student Mobile App

The ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app is now available. The instructional sheet provides instructions about downloading and logging into the app.

Title 1

Grover Hill Elementary Notice of Title I Program Criteria for 2024-
The Title 1 Reading program is a school-wide, federally funded program to provide additional assistance in reaching reading proficiency. The following criteria is used to select students to participate in the Title 1 program:
1 . Reading Diagnostic score of "not on track "for grade level
  1. Standardized reading score of limited or basic in any given reading area
  2. DIBELS reading assessment indicating "at risk" in any given reading area
  3. Star Reading test indicating below grade level reading placement
  4. Teacher criteria checklist indicating classroom performance below expected
  5. Kindergarten fall testing indicating "at risk" students
Students must qualify in at least two criteria areas to receive additional reading instruction by the Title 1 teacher. Students receive an additional 20-30 minutes of reading instruction three or five days a week from highly-qualified teachers. Please check out our School Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Policy in the Title I folder under Quick Links on our school's website. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Walls or Mrs. Knoblauch at WTGHE.

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