Voice Recognition
Library fun
Payne Elementary

Payne Elementary

Vision and Dental Outreach

The vision team will provide in-school vision services to students.
Services Provided:
Eye Exam
Glasses as necessary

Tooth decay is the most prevalent and preventable chronic disease in children.  Health Partners sets out to increase children's access to oral health services in schools with our School Based Dental Outreach Program.  Parents must register their children for this service.  Our program is open to all children Pre-K-12th grade.  

Services Provided:
Dental Exams
Dental Cleanings
Fluoride Treatments
Dental Sealants
SDF Applications
Oral Health Instructions

Health Partners of Western Ohio will send an Outreach Dental Team to our schools on the following dates:
Monday, October 21- Dental Exam
April 8 and 9- 2nd Dental Visit

The consent forms are due September 13
See below for the forms and more information

Title 1

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The Title 1 Reading program is a school-wide, federally funded program to provide additional assistance in reaching reading proficiency. The following criteria is used to select students to participate in the Title 1 program:

1. Reading Diagnostic score of “not on track “for grade level
2. Standardized reading score of limited or basic in any given reading area
3. DIBELS reading assessment indicating “at risk” in any given reading area
4. Star Reading test indicating below grade level reading placement
5. Teacher criteria checklist indicating classroom performance below expected level
6. Kindergarten fall testing indicating “at risk” students

Students must qualify in at least two criteria areas to receive additional reading instruction by the Title 1 teacher. Students receive an additional 20-30 minutes of reading instruction three or five days a week from highly-qualified teachers.
Please check out our School-Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Policy in the Title I folder under Quick Links on our school’s website. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. April Krouse, the Title 1 teacher, or Mr.
Evans, Principal.

Principal's Newsletter

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Payne Elementary- Matt Evans, Principal

ProgressBook Parent/Student Mobile App

The ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app is now available. The instructional sheet provides instructions about downloading and logging into the app.


Arrival Procedures
Notes: The carline is a NO CELL PHONE zone. For the safety of our students, safety patrol, teachers, administrators, and other drivers, please do not be talking or texting on your cell phone while you are in the carline.
1. Beginning at 8:30 (10:30 on 2-hour delays), families will drop off their student(s) in the red car line outside of the cafeteria door. Students will exit their vehicle on the passenger side and enter the cafeteria door on their own.  In order to keep the car line moving, students should have their backpack, lunch, or other materials ready to go so they can exit the vehicle immediately. Vehicles should enter the parking lot at the north end of the pavement behind the bus parking area in the blue car lines.
2. Cars should exit the parking lot, while remaining in the red lines, AFTER the car in front of them begins driving away. For safety reasons, do not go around another vehicle in the red lines.
-The crossing guard for Townline Street will be located at the intersection of Townline and School  Drive Street. Those students will enter through the building using the cafeteria door.
-The crossing guard for Oak Street will be located at the intersection of Oak Street and School Drive Street. Those students will enter the building using the cafeteria door.
-Front of the school entry is limited to those times when special projects or pre-packaged treats are dropped off.

Dismissal Procedures
The office must be notified of all changes to typical transportation plans prior to 2:00 PM on the day of the change.
*Families may register their students for a pick up number in the office. Additional car tags are available upon request.
Notes: The carline is a NO CELL PHONE zone. For the safety of our students, safety patrol, teachers, administrators, and other drivers, please do not be talking or texting on your cell phone while you are moving in the carline.
1. All picked up or walking students in Preschool-6th grade will go directly to the cafeteria using the East Stairwell and will be officially dismissed from the cafeteria. Teachers will walk their entire group down to the cafeteria. All classes will be in the cafeteria no later than 3:30 PM. The cafeteria is a “Silent Zone”. All staff remains in the cafeteria until all students have been loaded in vehicles.
2. All bussed students in Preschool-6 th grade will go directly to the gym lobby using the West Stairwell. Teachers will walk their entire group down to the gym. All classes will be in the gym lobby no later than 3:30 PM. All staff remains outside in the bus loading area until all busses leave the parking lot.
3. Students who are attending an after school activity, must remain in the gym with their adult activity supervisor or coach until all students have been dismissed from the cafeteria.
4. Students are not allowed to wait in front of the school building in order to be picked up.
5. Walkers and bikers will be escorted across streets by a staff member prior to vehicles loading.
6. Vehicles should enter the parking lot at the north end of the pavement behind the bus parking area. Cars will form two lines inside of the blue painted markings.
7. Numbers will be called for the red car line in outside of the cafeteria doors beginning at 3:30 PM.
8. Staff will direct cars to enter the red loading zone area after students riding bikes or walking home have been dismissed.
9. All vehicles in the loading zone are required to turn off their engines.
10. Students must enter the passenger side of the vehicle if possible. The vehicle driver is responsible to secure students in their car seat.
11. Vehicles may not turn on their engine until staff blows a whistle indicating that all students are in a vehicle. Staff will direct the vehicles to leave the loading zone.
12. Cars may exit the parking lot when the car in front of them begins driving away.

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